Full length, 12″ album on eco vinyl, full colour cardboard outer and full colour inner sleeve.

This vinyl is expected to arrive in Cellardyke on Nov 19th, and will be shipped out to purchasers from Dec 3rd. As of yet, we have no reason to suspect there will be delays*

J Wright Presents was my original stage name when I began doing solo work. I played maybe five or six shows under that title, and released 1 ½ 7” singles, on the Bad Jazz record label. I then moved on to James Yorkston, of course. I’ve resurrected the J Wright Presents name here, as I wanted to make it clear to folk that this new album isn’t an album of acoustic songs. In fact, there’s almost no vocal on it whatsoever. What there is, is old drum machines, synths, a bit of piano, field recordings, sampled harmoniums made all squelchy, that sort of thing.

I guess it could be called an electronic album, that’s probably the most accurate term. It began life years ago. Often, in my studio, I’ll let my mind wander and just press a few buttons to see what happens, and sometimes I’ll record that, build upon, make it into some kind of track. But these experiments, although they certainly help voice my solo albums (The Route to the Harmonium is full of such trickery, swirling around in the background), they’re never really used, otherwise. This is a compilation of them.

Influences come from all over, and the same influences that feed my usual work no doubt feed this, but I’ve zoomed in a little here, to other aspects of my interest. So, I’d say Wendy Carlos, The Drummers of Burundi, Lee Perry, Carl Stone, fAUST, that sort of thing, but with a nod too to more modern electronic music, of course. Although I have not their fancy gizmos or whizz kid skills.

I hope this peculiar little album lands well with you all. The beautiful packaging was made using some of my wife’s artwork, keeping things in the family, which feels apt for an album such as this. Her Instagram is here – www.instagram.com/lindajackson.art

Best – JY

We’ve printed up 500, and I very much doubt we’ll print up any more. The first 300 are signed, and they’re all made using “eco vinyl”, i.e. the scraps of vinyl that are left over at the vinyl pressing factory. Sonically, they’ll sound just as good as usual vinyl, it’s just that their colour could be anything. Or, as it says on the manufacturer’s website –

Comprised of recycled vinyl compounds, this vinyl colour option can end up being a completely unique colour or effect. Compounds might be combined to create a marble-esque look, other times the pellets are mixed to produce a completely original colour.

Ecomix vinyl has been created as part of the push towards zero waste at the vinyl pressing plant, and are priced the same as black vinyl records which makes them extra attractive to anyone conscious of their environmental footprint.

This is truly a random/lucky dip effect; we cannot control the colour or effect, or pre-empt how the records will look except that they won’t be plain black. You may receive an entire run of all one colour, or you may receive several different colour variants. It’s a gamble, but it’s also eco-friendly, cost effective and unique to boot.

If any indie record shops would like to take a few, get in touch and we will try and sort something out. No sale or return, though.

1. Magees
2. Nature Boy
3. Adamm
4. Looch
5. Grassic
6. Soundedown
7. Furzedown

Order J Wright Presents LP 12" LP (eco vinyl) @ £22.00